So I’m rollin down the road and I see a gun shop billboard outside that said “Glock 40 all sizes $489.00.” I know most of you are probably pretty educated as far as firearms go, but I really haven’t been that involved in pricing etc. I do know that these guns are selling retail for around $600.00 dollars. I decided to take a minute to go inside and take a look around.
I was met by a very nice gentleman, “Larry”. I questioned him about the price and he told me that it was indeed the price listed. I told him that I was very impressed with one Glock in particular, however due to my current circumstances I just couldn’t afford to pay that kind of money for anything right now. Larry told me to wait a second that he would be right back. A few moments later, he rounded the counter with a big smile, he said that he would let me put the gun on layaway for 90 days, if I needed more time I could take as long as I needed and in addition he would take off another $40.00 dollars bringing the total to $449.00! I was speechless, this guy genuinely was not only concerned for my situation, but for me as a person. Larry expressed to me that he knows how dangerous it is out there for us, he said that he just felt the need to help me. I thought it was one of the nicest things that anybody in the retail business has done for me in a long time. Needless to say, I eagerly put down the down payment. So, hopefully in a month or so I will have a second weapon/backup to carry just in case I need it, ya know, if my service weapon is jacked by some gangsta or something.
I have a picture of my new girlfriend. She sits to the left of the 40 that I carry. You can see the difference in size, she’s rather demur so concealment won’t be an issue. Isn’t she sexy? Hey, give me a break at least she’s not taking all my money!!
I would like to know from some of you gun aficionados if you think I got a good deal. Oh, he also threw in an extra magazine, as well as the magazine extender that creates a little bit bigger grip.
I’m Out And We’ll Talk Later.
I thought they always left you go back in for your personal belongings? You know, with a deputy entail.
BTW, are police officers required to carry a gun when off duty? Or is it if you want to carry you can?
Mmmm; gun pr0n.
Dude, that's a sweet deal. I'm under the impression it's a new gun, but even if it were slightly used that is still a good deal.
That's a great deal!
FWIW, I'd suggest getting a G-23 instead of the G-27 that you're looking at. For just a little bigger gun, you get a lot more grip area and more rounds.
Plus, you can use your pre-existing holsters, mags, etc. from your G-22. W/ the G-27, you can only really use your G-22 mags and nothing else.
Goddess You are correct, but I have had such a terrible time with all of her anger issues I just haven't messed with it.
We are not mandated to carry off duty, but in my city it is absolutely insane if you don't. Thanks for stopping by.
Still stacy Is there any other kind?
Telebush Thanks for stopping by, it is new so im pretty excited. The Bronze has brought up a valid point, I may have to change my mind.
The Bronze I thought I had it all figured out, now Im going to go back and look at that model. Great point though. Be Safe Bro and thanks.
What a cutie!
Anger Issues and an available gun in the house? Wow... that doesn't sound good. Hope you've made someone aware of that issue. I like the new girlfriend! I don't know alot about the different sizes but I have a G27 and I love it. Fits perfectly in my hand. Just got it for just under $500. Hope you and yours will live happily ever after!
To add: The G-27 is much better suited for BUG purposes, but IMO the G-23 is MUCH better suited for off-duty carry.
It depends on what you need it for, I guess...
Liz I think so too, but now I'm having second thoughts.The Bronze has made a good point so I am going take a look at that model. How's the new job lookin?
Fire Fox Well I certainly agree with that, I can assure you I have made a number of people aware of that issue.
I am going to look at that model, I am glad you approve. Be Safe.
TheBronze You have got me all messed up, thanks, I'm just kidding. I am going to try and look at that model tommorow. Thanks for the advice. I will let you know what happens. Be Safe.
Glad I can help bro!
I like!
I am in need of a back-up...
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